In Nepal, the greeting is “Namaste,” conducted by joining both palms together. “The divine in me salutes the divine in you,” it signifies.

 1. Do not trek alone. 

In recent years, there have been frequent disappearances of solitary hikers. Always hire a guide or trek in a group. There are online forums where travellers can meet other hikers. It applies to everyone, especially to unmarried women who appear to be more vulnerable. Always notify your next of kin of your travel plans.

2. Food safety 

Water that has not been bottled or boiled should be avoided. As much as possible, avoid raw vegetables and pre-cut fruit.

3. even though Nepal is famed for its pure landscape and beauty, the roads and major city streets are not. They are congested, full of smoke, and rough and dirty. As a result, riding a bicycle or a motorcycle is generally not recommended, and some off-road mountain bike trails are permissible.

4. Do not give money to street beggars. Even if they appear pathetic, giving them money encourages them to ask for more if they want to support one of the many charity groups working in Nepal.

5. Make sure to exchange all Nepalese currencies before leaving, as they are not accepted (or even exchanged) outside of Nepal. Furthermore, taking money out of the nation is illegal.

6 . It is considered impolite to touch someone’s head or sit with your feet pointed towards them.

7.  Do not rely solely on schedules and timings given to you, whether verbal or written, when in Nepal; they may not begin on time as promised or pledged, disrupting all following schedules. Have as much time as possible between your effective plans and actions, especially if you have a fixed stop date by which you must fly out.

8 . Be wary of “Bandhs” (Strikes – when no transportation is permitted) as they can significantly affect your trip plans.

9 . Do not presume that “ganja” (marijuana) is legal in Nepal; it is not. Even though it is a common weed on hillsides, collecting it and transporting it for sustenance can be dangerous.

10 . Do not think that when a Nepali responds “yes” or shakes their head in agreement, it is a done deal or that they agree with you. Re-confirm using the simplest of language but being as direct as possible.

11. Avoid dance clubs in KTM and PKR. These tourist traps mislead you into purchasing drinks and food at high costs, and some of these locations have a history of violence and intimidation.

12. If you intend to apply for a visa at the airport, bring a passport-sized photo, and plan B is to get your picture taken at the airport’s photo booth.

13 . All nightlife closes at 10 p.m., with only a few businesses staying open a bit later in the Thamel district.

14. Bring a universal plug and voltage adapter kit for your Electronics. Nepal operates on 220V.

15 . Keep in mind that some traditional temples and public sites may charge an admission fee ranging from 250Rs to 700Rs to foreign visitors.

16 . Always bring tissue paper and hand sanitiser with you — and keep in mind that some restrooms may need squatting.

17 . Demand a running meter in the taxi. After 10 p.m., you must pay double the meter fare; yet, this is the widely acknowledged norm.

18 . Avoid displaying food near temples since monkeys are accustomed to stealing it.

19 . Support the NON-Plastic Initiative by limiting your usage of plastic things and assisting in making Nepal a better place.