Nepal is a remarkably diversified country that draws tourists for various reasons and is some of Nepal’s top tourist attractions. Some are drawn to mountains and climb or trek to the Himalayas. At the same time, others are drawn to the nation’s culture and the famed city of Kathmandu. On the other hand, few come in search of spiritual awakening. Nepal can be an adrenaline rush, a cultural awakening, a life-altering experience, or above.

Most visitors visit spiritual and historic sites in Kathmandu before continuing to other national regions. Outside the city, the most significant places to visit for wildlife viewing are Chitwan National Park and Bardiya National Park and the lakeside town of Pokhara, which is famous for trekking.

Things take a long time to happen in Nepal; the development process is prolonged when it starts to act. Thus progress has been significant in some areas but restricted in others.

Read through our list of the top attractions in Nepal to find the best places to visit.

1. Kathmandu | Nepals top tourist attractions

Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital and largest metropolis, is unlike any other city globally. The deteriorating structures in the city centre stark contrast to the vibrant mood permeating the streets. The aroma of incense wafts from storefronts as street vendors push their wares, and people go about their everyday lives against a backdrop of antique temples and carved statues.

Along with Bhaktapur and Patan, Kathmandu was one of three rival royal towns for hundreds of years. These three are so close together that they practically run together today.

The largest of the three royal cities’ palace squares and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Durbar Square has long been a centrepiece of Kathmandu. There are temples and monuments of various shapes, sizes, styles, and faiths here.

The 2015 earthquake seriously damaged Kathmandu’s Durbar Square, with many buildings wrecked beyond restoration, but it remains a great destination.

2. Bhaktapur 

nepals top tourist attractions

Bhaktapur, the third of the “Royal Cities,” is located just outside Kathmandu on the old trade route to Tibet. The commerce route served as both an arterial link and a key source of wealth for Bhaktapur. Because of its distance at the time, the city could develop independently and in ways that distinguished it from the other two cities.

In contrast to Patan and Kathmandu, Bhaktapur has a predominantly Hindu populace. Durbar Square, which houses the royal palace and various temples, is the most excellent site to start a city tour. The entire area is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Many buildings at Bhaktapur’s Durbar Square were damaged in the 2015 earthquake; the main temples remain complete. The project has been handed up to Nepal’s Department of Archaeology. Work on restoration continues, albeit slowly.

3. Boudhanath Stupa | Nepals top tourist attractions


The Boudhanath Stupa, located just outside Kathmandu, is one of the world’s largest stupas and dates back to the 6th century, if not earlier. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site located on the old trade route to Tibet.

The stupa symbolizes enlightenment in and of itself, but the symbolism is undeniable in Boudhanath. Each shape represents one of the five elements, which are also the qualities of the five Buddhas: earth, water, fire, air, and sphere. Their unity, brought together in the form of the stupa, symbolizes the universe’s structure abstractly.

The stupa suffered some damage during the 2015 earthquake but has already been fully rebuilt.

4. Swayambhunath 


Swayambhunath, located on a mountaintop west of Kathmandu, is the second most prominent shrine in the Kathmandu Valley after Boudhanath. The temple is more affectionately known as the Monkey Temple because of the local monkeys who occupy parts of it.

The temple complex’s focal point is the Swayambhu Stupa, painted with the omnipresent god’s eyes. The temple complex dating from the 5th century was initially a prehistoric worship place. Swayambhu is essential in the life of Vajrayana Buddhists in Northern Nepal and Tibet, especially Kathmandu Valley Newari Buddhists.

The 2015 earthquake damaged the Swayambhunath temple complex; however, renovations are now complete, and the temple has been restored to its previous state.

5. Pokhara 

nepals top tourist attractions


Pokhara is one of Nepal’s most scenic cities, located at the base of the foothills and surrounded by some of the world’s highest mountains, including Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Annapurna I. Pokhara is the gateway to the Himalayas and the beginning point for treks to Jomsom and the Annapurna region for trekkers. It’s also a great place to unwind before or after a hike.

It is the second-largest city in Nepal after Kathmandu in terms of population, although it does not seem like a vast metropolis. You’ll immediately notice the significantly cleaner air and pleasant environment as you travel from Kathmandu, 200 kilometres to the east. Lake Phewa is great for anyone searching for relaxation, with its cluster of lakefront hotels, restaurants, and shopping.

6. Lumbini | Nepals top tourist attractions

Lumbini is the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha Shakyamuni. Lumbini, located around 250 kilometres from Kathmandu, is a worthwhile diversion from Pokhara to the Chitwan National Park.

This pilgrimage town has a sense of calm, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most visitors are Buddhist pilgrims from around the world who are retracing Buddha’s steps through the stations of his life. The Maya Devi Temple, dedicated to Buddha’s mother, is thought to be the location of Buddha’s birth, and it houses a 2nd century AD stone sculpture representing the birth of Buddha.

7. Chitwan National Park 

nepals top tourist attractions

Chitwan National Park is the place to visit if you want to see a distinct side of Nepal. Chitwan is an excellent location for animal viewing, with a safari-like ambience. Chitwan has a tropical monsoon environment, significantly different from what you’d expect to find in Nepal, yet being only 100 meters above sea level in some regions, much lower than Kathmandu at 1,400 meters.

Visitors come to see the wildlife. Rhinos, Bengal tigers, leopards, sloth bears, gaur (buffalo), deer, and other animals may be seen in the park.

Rivers and streams are home to freshwater dolphins (Gangetic) and crocodiles; however, they are rarely observed. Chitwan is a birder’s heaven, with over 500 kinds of birds. Tours from the lodges take you into the park, either on foot or, more commonly, on elephants, for up-close encounters with the animals.

Chitwan is located southwest of Kathmandu, near the Indian border, and is on the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage sites.

Chitwan is best visited between October and February. Although the mornings can be relatively calm, average temperatures stay around 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), with significant humidity. The monsoon season lasts from June to September, with frequent heavy rain.

8. Bardia National Park | Nepals top tourist attractions

nepals top tourist attractions

Many people are astonished that Nepal contains vast lowland areas where Bengal tigers, rhinoceroses, crocodiles, and elephants can be found. Bardiya National Park is one of the best places to witness these animals in their native habitat (also Bardia National Park).

In northwest Nepal near the Indian border, this location is notable for its river basins, vast grasslands, and tropical forest dominated by the Sal tree. Some areas of the national park were initially the sole hunting grounds of the Nepali aristocracy. It has grown throughout the years, covering 968 square kilometres.