The Annapurna region is located in the western part of Nepal. The Annapurna Region have massif mountains, including Annapurna Range, Annapurna Range (Annapurna Himal), the Dhaulagiri Range, and many more. Annapurna Region offers several trekking trails, including the world-famous Annapurna Base camp and Annapurna Circuit Trek. On the other hand, the Annapurna region also has other trekking routes that offer breathtaking views and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We are Tripura Travelcations have taken some intitation and wrote top a top 10 best trekking routes in Annapurna Region which are explained below:

1. The Annapurna Circuit trek 

Beautiful Manang Valley

The Annapurna Circuit is a renowned trekking path that circumnavigates the Annapurna Massif. The trek usually takes 15 to 20 days and is 160 to 230 kilometres long, depending on the specific drop-off and pick-up points. Most hikers climb counterclockwise, which gives a more gradual ascent to Thorung La Pass, which at 5416m is the highest point on the trek. The spectacular scenery is close-up views of some of the world’s tallest mountains, including Annapurna Massif (Annapurna I-IV), Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, Manaslu, Gangapurna, and Tilicho Peak. The trek’s upper elevation districts have essentially Tibetan cultures, including Manang and Mustang.

At the same time, the lower elevations of the trek, Lamjung and Myagdi, are predominantly Hindu. The route takes you through various scenery, from lush farming lowlands to the austere high altitude desert region of Mustang. Tea houses and lodges are located throughout the journey and provide comfortable lodging and excellent local cuisine. The hike usually is possible all year, although heavy snowfall in January and February can close the Thorung La Pass.

2. Annapurna Base Camp trek

MBC and the Macchapuchre Mountain

This trip brings you directly to the base of the summits for spectacular views of Annapurna I (the world’s tenth tallest peak) and Machhapuchhre, also known as the Matterhorn of Asia. The walk is a shorter option than the complete circuit. It is trendy due to the close-up views of the Annapurna Sanctuary’s lofty peaks (most of which are over 7000 meters). It usually takes ten days and involves stopping at Poon Hill (Next Section) on the way up or back. The trail follows the Modi River’s steep-walled canyon, its headwaters in the Annapurna Sanctuary. After taking in the vistas at Poon Hill, the journey up the canyon from Tadapani to the Annapurna Base Camp takes roughly four days.

3. Poon Hill trek

Annapurna Range seen from Poon Hill

If you only have a limited amount of time, this is one of the best treks in the Himalayas for a terrific trekking experience with vistas of impressive peaks. The walk can be completed in three days, although four days is preferable. The excursion begins in Nayapul, about an hour’s drive from Pokhara. The trek’s high point is Poon Hill (3200m), from which one can see three of the world’s ten tallest mountains: Dhaulagiri I (8,167m / 7th highest), Annapurna I (8,091m / 10th highest), and Manaslu (8,156m / 8th highest). Even the views from Ghorepani, where most people stay the night before climbing Poon Hill, are spectacular. If you’re pressed for time, you’ll appreciate the internet available in the modest cafes of this mountain community.

4. Naar-Pho Valley trek

Top 10 Best Trekkings in Annapurna Region

The Naar-Pho Valley trip adds something unique to the Annapurna Circuit while adding around seven days to the overall. Because it is in a restricted area and must secure a trekking permit and guide ahead of time, the place attracts few visitors and should be designated as a camping excursion. The route takes you past old settlements and steep-walled canyons, one of the region’s highest passes. It’s a secluded and isolated section of Nepal that provides a stark contrast to the Annapurna Circuit experience. The hike begins at Koto, right before Chame on the Annapurna Circuit, and ends via Ngawal and the 5300m Kang La peak.

5. Tilicho Lake trek

Top 10 Best Trekkings in Annapurna Region

The Tilicho Lakeside trip adds around three days to the Annapurna Circuit, but it’s well worth visiting one of the world’s highest lakes (4920m). A narrow, steep trail with loose rock leads to the Tilicho Base Camp Hotel at 4100m. The second day is spent going up to Tilicho Lake. The lake is frequently frozen since it is located at the end of large glaciers cascading down from Tilicho Peak. The “Grande barrier,” an enormous steep ice-covered ridge adjacent to Tlicho summit. If possible, camping at the lake is a good option. It is possible but difficult to travel west from the lake over Meso Kanto La (5130m) to Jomsom. Many published maps usually display this hiking path can obtain this notion, but it is critical to hire a guide with local experience. Tilicho Lake is a challenging yet rewarding side trek.

6. Muktinath Temple trek

Monastery next to Muktinath Temple

The temple is one of the best among the top 10 best trekking in the Annapurna Region. Muktinath, located near the base of the Thorung La Pass, is a significant shrine and place of religious pilgrimage for Buddhists and Hindus. If you don’t have much time and don’t want to trek, this is an excellent way to view a remote section of Nepal and a fantastic, almost bizarre desert environment. On the approach to Muktinath, the river canyon provides excellent views of Nilgiri (7061m). The temple is best reached by an overnight hike from Jomsom and can also be reached by jeep. Between Jomsom and Pokhara, there are flights and ground transportation options.

7. Ghyaru and Ngawal trek

Ghyaru and Ngawal paths run parallel to the marked circuit trail to the north but on the opposite side of the valley between Pisang and Manang. It is possible to stay the night in Ngawal; however, lodging is more important than a good circuit. The highlights of this side excursion include:

  • Getting away from the crowds.
  • Witnessing more traditional Nepalese living in little villages.
  • The spectacular views from Ghyaru.
  • The possibility of walking up to Kang La Pass from Ngawal in a day.

The ideal strategy would be to detour off the main trail at Pisang and hike to Ngawal before spending the night. The next day, walk to Kang La Pass before spending another night and returning to the path near Manang.

8. Dhaulagiri  Icefalls trek 

Dhaulagiri Ice Fall

An excellent side excursion to get away from the crowds and see Dhaulagiri and the North and South Nilgiris. It’s a difficult and steep trek, but the sights are worth it even if you don’t make it to the icefalls. The walk should begin in Larjung, between Kobang and Kokhethanti. The trail does not run to Icefall. Therefore, you should hire a guide or seek information from the local lodge owner. Plan an all-day adventure and bring enough food and water.

9. Kang La Pass trek 

Top 10 Best Trekkings in Annapurna Region

This pass represents the end of the Narr-Pho Valley walk mentioned earlier, but it may also be done as a day trip from Ngawal. In fact, It’s more difficult than Thorung La Pass, so prepare yourself, but the views from the summit are well worth it. The final 30 minutes to the pass are steep, with numerous screens and lost rocks. The trail is less frequented and less established than the main track. On the bright side, you have isolation and a terrific day excursion off the regular route. You will know if you are a fit trekker who enjoys a strenuous hike. Furthermore, The ascent from Ngawal to the pass is 1700 meters.

10. Annapurna North Base Camp trek 

Top 10 Best Trekkings in Annapurna Region

Annapurna North Base Camp is the most challenging and least visited of the suggested side trips. In 1950, a French team led by Maurice Herzog investigated the track for the first time. The first few days take you from Pokhara to Lete (part of the Annapurna Circuit), then up into the highlands. The walk to the base camp from Lete takes around five days, and the route goes from Lete via Choya Deurali (2630m) to Misisti Khola to Annapurna North Base Camp. Therefore, to travel to Misisti Khola, you may need a fixed rope. Make sure you go with a guide who is familiar with the route! It is undoubtedly considered one of the best trekking in the Annapurna Region.