Annapurna Circuit Trek is a famous hiking adventure in Nepal and worldwide. Thousands of trekkers visit Nepal to savour all the ravishing beauty of the Annapurna region. Circuit Trek of Annapurna is full of magical settings perfectly made up of natural and artificial environments. You will indulge in the magnificent beauty of peculiar villages, green hills, forests, land and snow-capped mountains. Annapurna Circuit Trek’s standard itinerary is around 15-20 days. However, full itinerary days depend on your mental and physical ability to sustain high altitude and mountainous terrains. In this Annapurna Circuit Trek Guide, we have tried to explain why it is the best choice for any if you are planning for a long holiday in complete wilderness, as you have plenty of time on hand to enjoy Himalayan beauty in the Annapurna region here in the ever-beautiful nation of Nepal.

Complete Guide on Annapurna Circuit Trek

Annapurna Circuit Trek is not your regular city vacation, but the circuit trek of Annapurna is serious once in a lifetime experience. You can observe and experience the deep-rooted culture, traditional lifestyle and diverse weather. There is no doubt that Annapurna Circuit Trek is one challenging trekking route in Nepal. Total distance coverage for the trek is 170-230 km, and you will be accompanied by a scenic setting, mind-settling hills, and mountainous views.

Read more about Annapurna Circuit Treks Includes and Excludes. 

This blog sheds some light on all the essential things and logistics required to make Annapurna Circuit Trek more comfortable and prepared. Tripura Travelcations in this blog includes information on best routes, best season, food & accommodation and more on Annapurna Circuit Trek. It is crucial for anyone looking to trek Annapurna Circuit to know some essential details beforehand. As you take more steps daily, landscapes and scenery change. Buddhist culture is prominent in the Himalayas. As you traverse the route, flickering colourful prayer flags and decorated villages and monasteries sway your hardship away.

Complete Guide on Annapurna Circuit Trek

Annapurna Circuit Trek Highlights

  • Explore hidden gems of Annapurna easily and quickly.
  • Get all stunning views of ever glittering snowy mountains like Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and Macchapucchre.
  • Fascinating landscapes with scenic green vegetation.
  • Thorong La Pass at the altitude of 5416m above sea level.
  • Visit one of the sacred temples, the Muktinath Temple in Jomsom.
  • Get to know Tibetan Buddhism influenced local culture and lifestyle.

The famous starting point of the Annapurna Circuit Trek 

It was only in 1977 that circuit trek was officially opened to walk. As the circuit track opened, most trekkers commenced their walk from Besisahar to Lamjung. Bhulbhule is just 7km ahead of Besisahar and easily accessible on the road from Kathmandu. You can even reach Ngadi to start the trek. However, the starting point of this trek entirely depends on the trekkers themselves. In recent years, there has been the development of roads. So, you can reach Manang comfortably and start to trek from there. So, just to clear your confusion, we have listed some famous starting points for Annapurna Circuit Trek below:


Besisahar is the oldest and most well-known Annapurna Circuit Trek start point. But, as further road development happened, Besisahar is now less used as a starting point for the trek. 


Bhulbhule is just 7km ahead of Besisahar. It is easier to reach Bhulbhule from Kathmandu via road, primarily by buses or private cars. You can go on your own or opt for guided tours to Bhulbhule to do the circuit trekking of Annapurna. 


Syange is a widely used trek starting point 22km ahead of Besisahar. It is easily reachable in Jeep, and you can rest here for the night and start your tour the following day.


Jagat is accessible via Jeep, too and is 30km ahead of Besisahar. If you have started your trek from Bhulbhule, you will reach Jagat on the next day of the tour.


Chame is 70km ahead of Besisahar. Some prefer starting the trek from Chame. If you are developing altitude sickness symptoms, Chame should not be your preferred starting point for this Annapurna Circuit Trek. Chame is 2650m above sea level. 


Many trekkers prefer to commence a circuit trek from Manang. This is because Manang is accessible as roads have been constructed recently.

Permits, How to get TIMS and ACAP?

Permits are one crucial preliminary for any trekking adventure here in Nepal. Before you start your fantastic trek journey of Annapurna Circuit Trek, you will require two permits. Please get these permits from Nepal Tourism Board Office, Pradashani Marga, Kathmandu, for all solo travellers. A trekking/travel agency will get permits if you have chosen guided tours. 

As you set foot in Annapurna Conservation Area, two different permits are mandatory. TIMS(Trekking Information Management System) and ACAP(Annapurna Conservation Area Permit) are the required permits. Permits will be checked on the way during the trek. 

These permits can be acquired from Besisahar as well. Please check out the fee for these permits as follows:

  • Foreigners, ACAP- USD 25-30, Nrs.3000

SAARC Nationals, 

  • ACAP – Nrs.500
  • Global, TIMS- USD 18-20, Nrs.2000

You can get these permits from the following offices:

  • Nepal Tourism Board, Kathmandu
  • Nepal Tourism Board Service Center, Pokhara
  • ACAP entry permit counter, Besisahar

Trek Preparation and Grade

 Trek is moderate, but mountains are unpredictable. So, some cardio and legs workout is all that is required to make your trek more enjoyable. However, the good news is you need no hardcore exercise for this trek. We recommend you do light workout to prepare your body well. Regular exercise is necessary as the average day walk is 5-7 hours, and someday involves added hours of treks per day. You need some essential cardio exercise to conclude this excellent Annapurna Circuit Trek. 

Complete Guide on Annapurna Circuit Trek

What kind of Food do I get during Annapurna Circuit Trek?

There is a wide choice of Food for your journey on Annapurna Circuit Trek. The tea house offers you various cuisines, including even western Food. Once you see and smell the Food, all tiresome journey sways away. There are even bakery items and other drinks, including tea, coffee and almost all kinds of Food, during this Annapurna Circuit Trek. You can taste delicious meals like noodles, garlic, a chicken dish and more. All these meals are necessary for your trek the next day. As you are trekking in the Himalayan region, the service of hot beverages is standard.

Complete Guide on Annapurna Circuit Trek

During your trek, some towns and villages offer you items including burgers, pizza and even hot dogs. However, there is a famous saying for a typical Nepalese meal: “Dal, Bhat Power, 24 Hour”. This is a reflection of how good Nepalese meal is. Dal means lentil soup, Bhat means Rice, and Tarkari means veg curries. This meal is eaten by mixing all at once and be eaten by hand. You can consume this meal with cutleries as well. This meal offers all energy you need for the day trek. You can even add more Rice and lentil soup. This meal is suitable for all, even more for those travelling on a budget. 

What kind of accommodation is there during the route to Annapurna Circuit Trek?

A typical Nepal trekking stays in tea houses, guest houses and Lodge. You will be provided with basic amenities, including a room with two single beds. The offered room is spacious enough to relax and chill; some even have hot showers, attached bathrooms with commode toilets, and electricity. Most tea houses charge you extra for charging your devices, hot showers, hot water and Wi-Fi if available. 

Complete Guide on Annapurna Circuit Trek

Accommodations in the mountains are similar; the facilities are the same, and it is just that the setting and space differ. You will also find that natives of Mongolian origin run these tea houses. As elevation increases, Wi-Fi and cellular signal drop, and it is best if expectations are kept lower as you are in the mountains. In all this hardship trekking experience, having an attached bathroom in the room itself is a boon. As you trek to more high elevations, it is natural for you to pay an extra $1 – $2 for using Wi-Fi and electricity to charge up your device. On average, your per day cost for meal & accommodation is $20-30.

How is the internet connection during the route to Annapurna Circuit Trek?

There is excellent internet connectivity in most regions where you will set your foot, and most guest houses where you stay overnight have an internet connection that works well. However, you need to pay a nominal fee of $2-3 for using the internet service here in the mountains. You will book all these services in advance if you choose to be on a guided trek with Tripura Travelcations. On this whole Annapurna Circuit Trek, the only place with no internet or inferior internet is Thorong High Camp. And on Thorong High Camp, you might be charged extra for the internet. 

When is the best time to do Annapurna Circuit Trek?

Trekking in Nepal is best done in mainly two seasons: March-May (Spring) and Autumn (September-November). However, the perfect time to do this Circuit Trek to Annapurna is autumn, and October is the busiest month in Nepal’s mountainous tourism scene. Please avoid the month of June to August as this is the rainy season here in Nepal and not ideal for hiking. 

Moreover, the month from December to February is winter here in Nepal. So, it is challenging to do trekking up in the mountains. Furthermore, tea houses up at high altitudes during winter are mostly shut during heavy snowfall. 

Read more about Annapurna Circuit Treks Includes and Excludes. 

Annapurna Circuit Trek starts at an altitude as low as 750 and reaches a maximum elevation of 5400m above sea level. As this elevation gain is significant, you must prepare your body to adapt well to these mountain climates and weather conditions. So, please trek wisely. In our itinerary of Annapurna Circuit Trek, we have enough days to acclimatize well. Thus, reducing the chances of altitude sickness on this trek. 

How to avoid getting sick from altitude sickness?

This trek route of Annapurna Circuit is one strenuous trek starting from a very low altitude to a very high elevation. It is natural for anyone to experience symptoms of altitude sickness, and it is only how well one’s stamina and overall health are. You need to take care of yourself during the trek. We advise you to plan one extra day in Manang to help you adapt well to the high elevation conditions. You might be experiencing some symptoms of altitude sickness as you ascend to 2500m and above, like elevation gain. There is no guarantee that everyone will show signs of high elevation; for some, these symptoms also start early. 

What are the symptoms of Altitude Sickness?

  • Breath Shortness
  • Mental Fog
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

While trekking, if you experience any of the above symptoms, please do not panic and keep yourself calm. You need to follow some basics to keep yourself in a fit position. 

How to avoid getting sick from altitude sickness?

  • It is better to start the trek early and avoid jeeps driving long to access start-up points. 
  • Give plenty of time to your body to acclimatize. 
  • Do not smoke and drink.
  • Hydrate yourself enough, and drink plenty of water. 
  • If you start developing altitude sickness symptoms, let your guide and fellow trekkers know how you feel. Take a rest. If the situation persists, you must seek medication help or reach lower heights. 

You can intake water pills which are readily available in the pharmacy. Some medicines are Acetazolamide, pain relief pills, and inhaler with basic first aid kits. 

Also, check into Altitude sickness: Causes, symptoms, and treatment. 

In this Annapurna Circuit Trek Guide, we have included the things to buy for trekking the Annapurna Circuit.

It is crucial to buy excellent materials for your pleasant trek experience. You can find plenty of trek stores in Thamel, where you will find everything you need for any adventure activity in Nepal. However, you can even buy all these gears in Pokhara as well. Nevertheless, we suggest shopping in Thamel to avoid missing any essential items. Please carry the following items for this trek of Annapurna Circuit. 

  • Full sleeve t-shirts that can dry quickly
  • Hike boots/pants
  • Woollen socks/caps
  • Raincoat
  • Hat or cap/sunglasses
  • Gloves
  • Trekking stick/compass
  • Jacket (Fleece and Down)
  • Lots of energy bars
  • Water bottle
  • Sleeping bags / flashlight
  • IDs and essential permits
  • Sunscreen / Sanitizer
  • Toothbrush / Tooth Paste
  • First aid kit (basic)

How much money should I carry for this trek?

Annapurna Circuit is a moderately expensive trek if you know how to travel properly. The average trek cost is between $900 & $1400 per person. The cost includes your meal, accommodation, beverage, transportation and other additional trek expenses. The above rate is for 15 days of trekking on the Annapurna Circuit Trek route. It would help if you carried more local currency for extra personal expenses. If you want to add more destinations like the famous Poonhill, you naturally need to pay extra for the whole package of Annapurna Circuit Trek. You need to pay for extra personal beverages, tips, single room occupancy, and hot showers, and it is easy to pay in local currency. The total package cost ranges from $1500 – $4000. This cost depends on service type, company type, amenities and human help. 

Where can I get money withdrawn for Annapurna Circuit Trek?

You can withdraw the little amount in Kathmandu, and you can withdraw the rest of the amount in Pokhara. Upon you leave Pokhara, your option of withdrawing money gets limited. Besisahar is the last town for ATM options before you trek the Annapurna Circuit Trek. Manang has some ATMs, but you must ensure that your card is compatible with these mountain machines. However, you have the choice of exchanging your dollars in some of the tea houses you stay in for emergencies. At the end of the circuit trek to Nayapul, you find 2-3 ATMs. 

What kind of Travel Insurance do I require for Annapurna Circuit Trek?

All travellers must have international travel insurance. However, when you are trekking up in the mountains, you must have high-altitude rescue and medical bills covered through your insurance policy. You need to fill up the insurance company information where you fill up the permit form. There are plenty of trekking destinations in Nepal. So, it is wise to have travel insurance as people tend to get sick up in these mountains. 

What is the best Annapurna Circuit Trekking Itinerary?

The itinerary to Annapurna Circuit varies depending upon your destination added to the overall trek. Acclimatizing well and gaining an altitude of 500m daily is wise. So, keeping all these factors in mind, Tripura Travelcations has the best 16 Days Annapurna Circuit Trek Itinerary.

Days Itinerary
Day 1 Arrival in Kathmandu, trip overview, and rest in Kathmandu
Day 2 Travel to Jagat from Kathmandu via Besisahar (1300m/4264ft)
Day 3 Reach Lower Pisang, driving via Chame (3200m/10498ft, 2670m/8759ft)
Day 4 Trek to reach Manang (3540m/11,613ft)
Day 5 Acclimatization Day-in Manang (hike to Ice Lake at 1600m/15,091ft and return)
Day 6 Second Day-for acclimatization (some prefer to continue their Trek on the second Day-)
Day 7 Trek from Manang to  Sri Kharka (4,000m/13,122ft)
Day 8 Trek to reach Tilicho Base Camp (4150m/13,614ft)
Day 9 Hike to Tilicho Lake (4920m/16141ft) and return to Sri Kharka
Day 10 Trek to Yak Kharka (4,050m/13,286ft)
Day 11 Reach Muktinath (3760m/12,335ft) via Thorong La Pass (5416m/17,769ft)
Day 12 Muktinath Temple Visit and reach Jomsom (2,720m/8932ft)
Day 13 End of the circuit, fly back to Pokhara in 25 min flight (800m/2,625ft)
Day 14 Drive back to Kathmandu (1,400m/4,593ft)
Day 15 Departure from Nepal

The above itinerary is for the short version of Annapurna Circuit Trek. You can trek from Muktinath temple to reach Jomsom and then reach further to Nayapul. Bus and jeep services are available from Nayapul to return to Pokhara and then to Kathmandu. But under our guided tours, all your transportation is well taken care of.  Annapurna Circuit Trek Guide of Tripura Travelacations here has listed one famous itinerary, but mind you, there are different itineraries to choose from as per your preference.

Some exciting destinations during the Annapurna Circuit trek are:

Manang, Pisang and acclimatization to Thorong La Pass

Pisang is a fantastic village just ahead of Chame. If you want a different kind of traditional experience, you can stay overnight here in hotels, tea houses and lodges in the village of Pisang.  You trek uphill from Chame to reach Pisang, which takes 6 hours on average trekking speed. As you walk uphill, elevation increases, making things more difficult. Upon reaching Pisang, you will be at 3250m above sea level.

The following beautiful village or hill station is Manang at 3540m above sea level. You can see amazing views of mountains like Annapurna II, Tilicho, and Gangapurna while you go further up from Geru. This route is fantastic, with all positive energy surrounding you, motivated to reach ultimate destinations.  On trails, you will also see a century-old monastery, which is an attraction on its own in the Manang region.

Read more about Annapurna Circuit Treks Includes and Excludes. 

Trekking Annapurna Circuit renders all the opportunity to behold Tibetan culture from your encounters with the community. While trekking Annapurna’s circuit, make sure you acclimate here in Manang. To sufficiently prepare your body for the altitude of 4500m above sea level, you can trek around Manang for one day.

It is better to include a minimum of one day and even two days of acclimatization, depending on your health and physical adaption to mountains.

Yak Kharka, Tilicho Lake, Thorong High Camp, Muktinath via Thorong La Pass

Yak Kharka is an old settlement of Tibetan people. Kharka means pasture, and Yak is Himali Cow. You can reach Yak Kharka, which lies at an altitude of 4200m from Manang, after 4.5 hours of trek. As you trek ahead, Annapurna II and Tilicho Lake follow along.

The next day and more, 05 hours of a trek through the Jorsang river bank takes you to Thorong Phedi, also known as Thorong High Camp. Thorong Phedi is the stop for the night. You can take the next day to acclimatize before finally reaching the final destination, which is Thorong La Pass. Thorong High Camp is at an altitude of 4525m. During your route to Pass of Thorong La, you must walk through a narrow trail passing a landslide area. Thorong High Camp is a famous stopover before the Thorong La Pass, so amenities are well taken care of.

Read more about Annapurna Circuit Treks Includes and Excludes. 

As you trek in challenging terrain situations and rough-shaped trails, hiking through them is difficult. As you are trekking for the view and experience the mountains, every hard step sways away as you behold some never seen scenery here in Nepal. Thorong La Pass is at an altitude of 5416m above sea level and is the world’s highest pass. As you stand in this pass, you are greeted with some magnificent panoramic beauty of mountains. And the best part of this trek is upon reaching the pass; the trail goes downhill. This is added relief for all trekkers out there.

You will reach Muktinath, one of the sacred temples both for Hindus and Buddhists. You will reach Muktinath after hiking for 04 hours, which again depends on you. Please allow your sense to make some memories as you stand in Thorong La Pass. You reach Muktinath in the dawn. Most trekkers end their trek in Muktinath and return to Pokhara or Kathmandu.

Tatopani, Jomsom and Nayapul

If you have the guts and energy left, the next leg is to trek to the following popular destination, Jomsom. Jomsom receives many tourists each year, especially in the winter. You can take the road route, and there is even the option of Jeep and Bust for travelling back.  But the best option is to trek so that you can enjoy nature as much as possible.

There are two options to reach Tatopani. One is to take a bus from Muktinath, and the next option is to trek through this route. If you want to take a bus ride back to Besisahar, it will cost you NPR 1000 from Jomsom. If you continue the trek, you reach Ghorepani as you see fellow trekkers. In addition, you can enjoy a natural hot spring in Tatopani.

What is the best way to do Annapurna Circuit Trek? Solo Trek and Company Guided Trek

One most asked question is what’s best solo trek or company guided trek. Well, there are advantages and disadvantages to both these options. Both these options are discussed below:

Self-Planned Solo Trek

Suppose you think of doing it all alone, the Annapurna Circuit Trek. Then, we recommend you have trek experience here in Nepal. One thing to keep in mind is this is not an easy trek. Health is at risk; if the situation worsens, things can get fatal. Another challenge of travelling solo is that you must prepare all logistics independently. This might be problematic, especially in peak season, as tea houses are occupied during the peak season. We don’t recommend the solo trek to Annapurna Circuit Trek, especially if it’s your first time in the rough terrains of Nepal and doesn’t have trekking experience at higher altitudes.

The major disadvantage of travelling solo is being alone and responsible for yourself. You must arrange all accommodation, backpacks, itinerary and permits on your own. But having all these factors, there is pure and extempore encounters in the natural wilderness of mountains.

Company Guided Trek to Annapurna Circuit

Suppose you want a lovely, well-organised trekking experience and everything well managed, then buy a guided trekking package from Tripura Travelcations. The trek price goes higher as the package comes with various amenities. The significant merit of opting for the guided trek is that you will be made comfortable and familiar from the beginning until the end. You just don’t need to think about anything, including airport pickup, drop, hotel bookings, meals, permits, guide, porters, transportation and more. You can believe in Tripura and book the best Annapurna Circuit Trek with us.

However, in the guided trekking experience, one has to stick to the schedule. And if somebody gets sick, the trek continues, and the ill are treated as necessary. We need to stick to the plan. But, there are more merits to guided hikes. In guided treks, professional guide familiarizes themselves with the setting as much as possible, hotels are pre-booked, vehicles and helicopters are on standby, and everything is well managed. Annapurna Circuit Trek Guide gives you detailed information on different logistics required, trek preparation and more. This detailed Annapurna Circuit Trek Guide urge you to go for guided tours, minimizing any fatal accidents that can happen up in the mountains.

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Read More on Tilicho and Thorangla Pass Trek…